
Finance & Property Settlements - Finding Agreement through Financial Mediation

Reaching a finance and property settlement is important. When a relationship ends, it is inevitable that your finances and that of your ex-partner will be in some way tied-in together. You may co-own your home, a business or investments and these now need to be divided between you, to enable you to separate financially as well as emotionally.

If you are a divorcing couple, you will need to satisfy the courts, as part of your divorce, that you have reached a financial settlement. If children are involved, the courts will also want to know that adequate financial provision is being made for the children. There may also be a settlement required in relation to your pensions.

For unmarried couples planning to separate, the laws are not as strict but you will still want to find agreement and settle amicably.

Finance & Property Settlements - Finding Agreement through Financial Mediation

How We Can Help?

We offer a full disclosure and mediation service for finance and property settlements. We help you gather the right documents and provide the factual information needed to draft a financial order to submit as part of your divorce process. It can speed-up your divorce if completed quickly.

Once we have the information, we will produce an Open Statement of Financial Information for you. This document contains all your joint financial information, together with supporting statements, valuations and certificates. You are now ready to meet with your ex-partner to discuss a settlement agreement.

Our experienced family mediators will guide you through the process of discussing options for reaching agreement on property, pensions and other valuables as well as debts and how they will be managed. Once an agreement is reached, your mediator will draft a Memorandum of Understanding which will confirm the division of assets and liabilities, ready to hand to your lawyer, for a financial to be drafted.


What to Do Next

If you would like to discuss your finance and property settlement and wish to speak to a mediator, call 0330 113 0005 today.

IMPORTANT: You may not be able to divorce unless you have reached a financial settlement with your Ex

What is the Process for Financial Mediation?

A financial settlement is needed to decide how you and your partner will divide your assets and possessions when your marriage or relationship ends.

If you are married, the courts will expect you to submit a financial order to show how you will divide your marital belongings.  These may include the family home, other properties, investments and savings, high value items such watches, jewellery, cars, etc.

If you are married and both have pensions, then these need to be considered in the settlement. Your liabilities such as loans, credit cards and mortgages will need to be discussed.

If you have children, the courts will want to know they have adequate arrangements in place for custody, care and financial support for them.

If you are unable to agree how you will divide your jointly owned assets, using a family mediator is your best and most cost-effective option.

If you would like more information about Financial Mediation for Divorce, then call for a no obligation chat with one of our advisors. Call 0330 113 0005.

Finance & Property Settlements - Finding Agreement through Financial Mediation

If you are married or in a civil partnership and you are planning to divorce, you will need to agree how your assets (things you own such as property, vehicles, jewellery, investments pension and savings as well as liabilities such as mortgages, loans and other debts are to be divided fairly. We will help you through this process.

If either partner contributes to a pension whilst you are married or in a civil partnership, then the contributions made during the marriage are often deemed to be marital assets and therefore need to be discussed. You should always take legal advice where pensions are concerned and the mediation process will help you to consider what should happen to pensions.

No. If you have been to mediation and agreed how to divide your assets, then there is no need to go to court and this could save you thousands of pounds. Your family mediator will support you both in the preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding that can be taken to a solicitor for them to draft a legally binding agreement, often referred to as a Financial Consent Order. This is often all you need to complete your divorce. We can provide all the forms you need to start your financial remedy mediation.

The simple answer is that it takes considerably less time than going to court. It is also a fraction of the cost of litigation through the family court. Depending on the complexities of your finances, financial remedy mediation may only require one or two meetings.

You will need to complete a simple form that we will send to you. The form will ask you to provide details of any properties, savings, investments, pension, loans and debts. We may also ask you to complete information about your income and expenditure. Both parties will be required to provide this information that will then be shared after permission is given, so that you are both see the others financial information. This will then form the basis of a discussion about how any marital / relationship assets and liabilities will be divided.

We work very hard with both parties to ensure openness and transparency during the financial disclosure process.  If either party refuses to disclose their information, then it may be necessary to make an application to the family courts. Wherever possible we try and help avoid this as it can then become very expensive, time consuming and potentially stressful. Our success rate is above 96% for financial remedy mediation. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION

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