
Help with Child Living Arrangements

Following the breakdown of a relationship, living arrangements for your children will be the most important thing to agree. Your children will want to know where they will live and who with as well as wanting to know how often they will see their other parent.

You will need to agree living arrangement with your ex-partner, so you can plan for work, leisure and downtime from the children, when they are with the other parent. This will also potentially affect any financial support for your children.

You don’t stop being a parent when your relationship breaks-down with your ex-partner. Parental responsibility remains until the children are grown-up and even beyond that as a parent.

Many separating parents agree between themselves, living arrangements for the children but for some, reaching that agreement can be frustrating and often leads to a falling-out. If you find yourself in this position, the very best option would be to seek the advice of a family mediator.

Help with Child Living Arrangements

How we can help?

Working with a Family Mediator has so many advantages. On average, agreements reached are done so within a very quick period of time. It is less stressful than the endless arguments that often only result in more conflict which can lead to increased anxiety.

Working through your differences with your ex-partner in a constructive and collaborative way is by far, the best and easiest option and that’s what we’ll help you do.  We are confident in saying that we have helped hundreds of couples reach satisfactory and long-lasting agreements. We completely understand that whilst many disagreements have similarities, we are all different and therefore need specialist assistance to resolve our individual issues.

We offer a friendly and compassionate mediation service to all. We are not biased in any way towards one parent or the other, impartiality is maintained throughout as is our none-judgemental approach to helping you.

What You can do?

The first thing you should do is talk to us. We offer free no-obligation consultations to determine whether mediation is right for you. When you call, you can speak with a trained Family Mediator who will be able to answer any questions you may have. They will explain the mediation process (link) and other ways for resolving your dispute including applying to the courts for a ruling.

If you think that court is the only option, then speak with us first as we can offer a fast track option (link). We’ll explain the process that you’ll need to follow to request the courts rule on your child arrangements. You’ll have to attend a MIAM – (Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting link) and then complete the application using a C100 Form (Link).

We also understand that you lead a busy life and trying to find the time can be a challenge and that’s why we offer daytime, evening and weekend appointments. If travel is an issue or you work out of town or that your ex-partner lives elsewhere in the country, Europe or the world, then we offer the exact same service online.

If you would like to speak with a Family Mediator today or book your appointment, either complete the ‘Request a Call Back’ (and we’ll call you within the hour*) or telephone us on 0330 113 0005.


Help with Child Living Arrangements

Being named on your child’s birth certificate is important as it recognises your parental responsibility legally. The process is very straightforward as long as the mother agrees. Basically, you will both need to complete a simple form and make an appointment with the local Registrar’s Office. If the mother is reluctant, you may have to make an application through the family court. Call one of our advisors and we can help you through the process.

Need some help? We are here to talk
Call today 0330 113 0005